Katinka hat sich auf Miet- und Franchiserecht spezialisiert. Sie berät eine große Anzahl führender Einzelhandelsunternehmen, zu denen sie langfristige Beziehungen aufgebaut hat. Sie arbeitet auch für Immobilienentwickler, Investoren und Makler; aufgrund dessen kennt sie den Einzelhandelssektor aus verschiedenen Perspektiven. Sie ist oft der Dreh- und Angelpunkt in der Zusammenarbeit mit den anderen Beratern ihrer Kunden.
Katinka berät sowohl Franchisegeber als auch Franchisenehmer bei der Ausarbeitung von Franchiseverträgen, der Gründung von Franchiseorganisationen, der Gründung von Franchiseverbänden sowie bei der Übertragung, Beendigung und geänderten Fortführung von Franchiseverhältnissen.
Katinka ist bei den folgenden Verbänden und Plattformen aktiv:
- Dozent an der Real Estate Business School;
- Chefredakteurin für die „Tijdschrift voor Huurrecht Bedrijfsruimte (niederländische Zeitschrift zum Mietrecht für Gewerbe-Immobilien)“;
- (Co)-Chefredakteurin für die „Selectie & Essentie Huurrecht Bedrijfsruimte (Selektion & Essenz Mietrecht für Gewerbe-Immobilien)“;
- Mitglied der Vereniging van Huurrecht Advocaten (VHA = niederländischer Verband für Mietrecht-Anwälte).
Søstrene Grene über Katinka Verdurmen:
„We have worked with Mrs. Katinka Verdurmen and her team for the last 5 years, primarily related to Real Estate. We will give Mrs. Katinka Verdurmen and her team our highest recommendations as her advices has had a huge impact on our business in Holland.
Mrs. Katinka Verdurmen has assisted us with all aspects relating to real estate primarily negotiations of lease agreements and discussions with landlords. During the last 2 years Mrs. Katinka Verdurmen has played a huge role in our COVID-19 crisis management. She has her client top of mind and combines her excellent legal skills with her commercial point of view to the benefit of her client.
We will at any time recommend Mrs. Katinka Verdurmen to other international businesses who want to do business in Holland.
Mrs. Katinka Verdurmen speaks and write English fluently and is skilled with IT. Communication through Teams-meetings are top professional.„
Unsere Mandanten sagten The Legal500 unter anderem Folgendes über Katinka:
- ”Personal, engaged, persistent, accurate, agreements are met.”
- Katinka Verdurmen is a charming and very persistent lady who can think strategically. She understands well that it is not about one stroke, but about the end result.”
- Katinka Verdurmen is a very qualified lawyer in the field of real estate and especially in lease law. Easy access and great sparring partner. Aware of latest knowledge.”
- “Katinka Verdurmen has assisted us with all aspects relating to real estate primarily negotiations of lease agreements and discussions with landlords.
- During the last two years, Katinka has played a huge role in our COVID-19 crisis management. She has her client top of mind and combines her excellent legal skills with her commercial point of view to the benefit of her client.”
- “Katinka Verdurmen has had a huge impact on our business in the Netherlands.”
- “We will at any time recommend Katinka Verdurmen to other international businesses who want to do business in Holland.”
- “Good knowledge of the relevant market developments, quick replies and pragmatic advice.“
- “Berth Brouwer and Katinka Verdurmen are both excellent lawyers, approachable, fast, down-to-earth, thorough, knowledgeable, an eye for the business, everything you want your lawyer to be and on top of that. very nice people.“
- “They think several steps ahead in the process.“
- “Quick-thinking’ managing partner Katinka Verdurmen provides clients with a blend of commercial contracting and real estate expertise, with particular experience in franchising work and leasing disputes.“
- “Also recommended are Katinka Verdurmen and Pieter Twaalfhoven, who are ‘focused on solving the problem.“
- “Katinka Verdurmen is a very hardworking lawyer with a sharp mind, who specialises in commercial tenancy and franchise law.”
- “In recent work, the team has handled contentious real estate, pre-insolvency and a number of complex franchising matters.“
- “Real estate and franchise agreements are the core pillars of Fort Advocaten’s department, which is also active in insolvency. Katinka Verdurmen is the key contact; she assists clients with real estate transactions, leasing issues, and franchise agreements and disputes.“
Veröffentlichungen von Katinka
- TvHB 2022/1 – Een huurovereenkomst met een maandhuur van € 10.000 of meer? Wwft-plicht!
- TvHB 2021/4 – Interview met Jeroen Lokers (managing partner bij Cushman & Wakefield) over de vastgoedsector en de bijbehorende ontwikkelingen, de impact van de coronacrisis, de toekomst van fysieke winkels en kantoorruimten
- TvHB 2021/4 – Noot: ECLI:NL:RBOVE:2021:1944 (gebruikersovereenkomst, niet-ontvankelijk, art. 7:230a BW) (TvHB 2021/15)
- TvHB 2019/6 – Noot Hof Den Haag 10 september 2019
- Handboek Huurrecht Bedrijfsruimte 2018 – Hoofdstuk 12: Huur en franchise
- TvHB 2018/6 – Workshop 2: Franchise en goedkeuring afwijkende bedingen
- TvHB 2018/2 – Noot Hof Arnhem-Leeuwarden 31 oktober 2017
- TvHB 2017/6 – De samenloop van de franchise- en huurovereenkomst
- TvHB 2016/4 – Betalingen, Boete, Kosten en verzuim in de ROZ modellen
- TvHB 2011/6 – Wet Bibob en huur bedrijfsruimten
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