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Corporate & Social Responsibility

Corporate & Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) involves not only promoting a better environment and recycling, but also taking responsibility towards society, a better Amsterdam and a better world. We owe that to our clients, to society and to ourselves. First and foremost, we aim to achieve a corporate culture in which all our employees feel comfortable and safe, and in which talent and enthusiasm are encouraged and are properly rewarded.

We also aim to achieve this in the following ways:


A better environment begins with yourself. And that includes your place of work. That’s why we select suppliers that observe socially responsible business practices. At our firm we serve Fair Trade coffee and our employees travel by electric company car or use one of the office bicycles. We separate our waste and use as little paper as possible. And our cleaning company has the ISO 14001 certificate, the internationally accepted standard for an effective environmental management system. Every little bit helps to neutralise our impact on the climate.


Artis, our Amsterdam zoo, and its impressive griffon vultures in particular, have been supported by act legal for many years, because we set great store by nature conservation, culture and education in general.


Entrepreneurship and development must be stimulated. act legal therefore regularly supports start-ups by purchasing their products or services.


We also offer a large number of traineeships every year, whereby our aim is to attract students from different backgrounds and give them the opportunity to gain experience at our firm.

But above all, we take our social responsibility as lawyers very seriously. An independent lawyer with integrity is an indispensable pillar of the rule of law and a safeguard against financial injustice, partisan government and miscarriage of justice.