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Administrative Law

The lawyers of our Administrative Law practice group advise and litigate on all aspects of administrative law, such as advice on zoning plans or all-in-one permits for construction, demolition and project development. We can assist you, for instance, in filing an objection or appeal, or in averting administrative enforcement.

Our lawyers have a great deal of experience in representing commercial parties, such as investors and project developers. They furthermore assist public authorities, such as municipalities, provinces and ministries. Our team also specialises in contracts with public authorities.

Administrative Law at FORT Lawyers

Our lawyers provide customised advice on:

  • Zoning plans
  • Administrative penalties
  • Administrative enforcement
  • Building permits
  • Contracts between public authorities and private parties
  • Development plans
  • Operating permits
  • Enforcement
  • Environmental permits and exemptions
  • Monuments and listed buildings
  • Compensation for loss resulting from administrative acts
  • Environmental law (WABO – Environmental Permitting (General Provisions) Act)
  • All-in-one permits
  • Expropriation
  • Government liability
  • Planning blight
  • Project development
  • Lawful and unlawful government acts
  • Spatial planning
  • Subsidies
  • Exemptions
  • Wet Bibob (Public Administration (Property Screening) Act)
  • Wet Openbaarheid Bestuur (Government Information (Public Access) Act)

Partner Administrative Law

Attorney-at-law Administrative Law

Track record

  • Supervising the development of a residential tower and car park, on behalf of the owner/investor.
  • Supervising an all-in-one permit process for the transformation of a church into a hotel, on behalf of the owner/investor.
  • Supervising an all-in-one permit process for the development of an apartment complex, including the appeal before the court against the all-in-one permit and preliminary relief proceedings before the court regarding the demolition permit, on behalf of the project developer.
  • Supervising a zoning plan process regarding the broadening of the possibilities of use of an industrial estate with retail trade, on behalf of the owner of several plots of land on the industrial estate.
  • Supervising the broadening of zoning plan possibilities in a largely vacant shopping complex, including appeal proceedings before the Council of State, on behalf of the owner/investor.
  • Supervising enforcement processes regarding the closure of a hotel, alleged noise nuisance of a catering establishment and alleged violations regarding the advertising of a museum.
  • Proceedings against a municipality related to an alleged unlawful government act, on behalf of the owner of a shopping centre.
  • Supervising operating permits of catering establishments, including objection and appeal proceedings before the court.
  • Supervising the enforcement process on the closure of several buildings, on behalf of the owner/investor.
  • Supervising subsidy processes of various cultural institutions, including objection proceedings.
  • Proceedings on behalf of a municipality related to an allegedly unlawful government act.