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Willem van Dijk



  • shareholder disputes
  • director’s liability
  • takeover disputes
  • seizure and execution

Willem van Dijk specializes in resolving disputes within and between companies in a broad sense. He advises and litigates on conflicts between shareholders and directors/supervisory directors, in inquiry disputes before the Enterprise Chamber and squeeze-out and sell-out procedures. Willem also regularly assists clients in acquisition disputes, including earn-outs, warranty obligations and interpretation of contractual provisions. Willem also has extensive experience in (international) attachment and enforcement law.
In addition, Willem has particular expertise in (litigating about) documentary debt collection and the trade in so-called environmental commodities.
Willem’s clients include family businesses, banks, (green) energy companies and trading houses, real estate funds and supranational organizations.

Willem was a lawyer at one of the leading Anglo-Saxon law firms in Amsterdam between 2016-2019 and in 2016 he completed his additional specialization course in Business & Liability cum laude. Willem is a lecturer at the Vocational School of Lawyers.

Willem is a member of the following associations:
– Member of the Corporate Litigation Association.
– Member of the Dutch Litigation Association.