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act legal covers all major European business centres: Amsterdam Bratislava Bucharest Budapest Frankfurt Madrid Milan Paris Prague Sofia Vienna Warsaw

Our team

Frank Barneveld Associate
Dirk van den Berg  Partner
Floor van den Berg  Associate
Eva Bokslag  Associate
Ruben den Boogert  Associate
Fleur van den Broek Associate
Berth Brouwer  Partner
• Bleike Bruisten  Associate

• Tijn Coppens  Associate

• Willem van Dijk  Partner
• Maryse Dubbeldam  Associate
Derk van Geel  Partner
Chantal Hageman Associate


• Eleonore Harinck  Associate
Elias van Kampen  Partner
• Claudia van Meurs-Janssens  Associate

Nienke Opentij  Associate
Rein Pleiter  Associate
Dante le Poole  Professional Support Lawyer
Fabian Raven  Associate
Frédérique Sarneel  Associate
Harro Schulz  Partner
Helma Sengers  Counsel
Terry Steffens  Partner
Max Sträter  Associate

• Pieter Twaalfhoven  Partner
Floris Jan Vasse Associate
Sander van Veen  Associate
Katinka Verdurmen Partner
Florentijn Verhagen  Associate
Mirre Vermeer  Partner
Ruud Vermeer  Associate
• Tony Vermeulen  Partner

Jelle de Vries  Associate
• Lize van de Werken  Associate
• Mariëlle de Wild  Associate
• Adriaan Quist  Associate



Dirk Van Den Berg

Dirk van den Berg


Expertise: real estate law, franchise law, leasing law and distribution law
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Berth Brouwer

Berth Brouwer


Expertise: corporate law, corporate litigation, dispute resolution, class actions
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Willem van Dijk


Expertise: (international) commercial and corporate litigation
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Derk van Geel


Expertise: insolvency law, restructuring, financing & Securities, default management
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Elias Van Kampen

Elias van Kampen


Expertise: employment law, pension law, international transport law, employee participation, fraud in the workplace
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Harro Schulz


Expertise: (cross border) mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, restructurings, corporate governance issues, corporate litigation
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Terry Steffens

Managing Partner

Expertise: corporate law, mergers & acquisitions, financing & securities
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Pieter Twaalfhoven

Pieter Twaalfhoven


Expertise: real estate law, leasing law, real estate transactions
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Katinka Verdurmen

Katinka Verdurmen


Expertise: franchise law, real estate law, leasing law
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Mirre Vermeer

Mirre Vermeer


Expertise: real estate law, leasing law, construction law
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Tony Vermeulen


Expertise: (international) commercial contracts, commercial litigation
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Frank Barneveld

Frank Barneveld

Expertise: real estate law, leasing law, (commercial) contract law
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Floor Scherp

Floor van den Berg

Expertise: corporate & commercial litigation
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Eva Bokslag

Eva Bokslag

Expertise: employment law
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Ruben Den Boogert

Ruben den Boogert

Expertise: real estate law
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Fleur van den Broek

Expertise: insolvency law, restructuring, WHOA
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Bleike Bruisten

Expertise: real estate law, franchise law
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Tijn Coppens

Expertise: corporate law, corporate & commercial litigation
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Maryse Dubbeldam

Expertise: employment law
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Chantal Hageman

Chantal Hageman

Expertise: corporate law, mergers & acquisitions
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Eleonore Harinck

Eleonore Harinck

Expertise: real estate law, leasing law
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Claudia van Meurs-Janssens

Expertise: real estate law, leasing law
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Nienke Opentij

Expertise: real estate law, leasing law
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Rein Pleiter

Expertise: corporate law, corporate & commercial litigation
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Dante Le Poole

Dante le Poole

Expertise: corporate law, contract law, corporate & commercial litigation, private international law, BES law (Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba)
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Fabian Raven

Fabian Raven

Expertise: real estate law, leasing law
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Frederique Sarneel

Frédérique Sarneel

Expertise: real estate law, franchise law
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Helma Sengers

Helma Sengers

Expertise: real estate Law, leasing law, real estate transactions
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Tim Smit

Tim Smit

Expertise: insolvency law, restructuring, WHOA
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Max Sträter

Expertise: real estate law, leasing law, franchise law
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Floris Jan Vasse

Floris Jan Vasse

Expertise: corporate law, mergers and acquisitions
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Sander van Veen

Expertise: corporate law, corporate & commercial litigation
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Ruud Vermeer

Ruud Vermeer

Expertise: real estate law, leasing law, franchise law
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Florentijn Verhagen

Florentijn Verhagen

Expertise: insolvency law, restructuring, financing & securities, default management
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Jelle De Vries

Jelle de Vries

Expertise: real estate law, leasing law
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Lize Van De Werken

Lize van de Werken

Expertise: employment law
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Mariëlle de Wild

Expertise: insolvency law, restructuring, financing & securities, default management
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Adriaan Quist

Expertise: real estate law, leasing law
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